Sunday, July 01, 2007

The WEEKEND is to REST!!!!

Well this past 3 weeks have been very, very busy for me... but everything is going perfect!! So this weekend I decide after a long work and study week to take a break and go somewhere far from the city I live now. First, I was in my lab finishing the last details of my experiment and then preparing a class, for a teacher assistant work that I have to do next week. Then on friday night I was wishing to go out and drink all I could, I call everyone, and no one was in the mood of going out, so I was really disapointed. But, but, luckly I call Jon (from spain) and he wanted to drink something.. so he came to my house to pick me up and went to a drink night. First, we didn´t know where to go, so we went to the Mafia zone in Chiba, is like the RED zone in Costa Rica, but of course not dangerous at all... at least not if you don´t mess with the mafia guys or the sex workers (just being polite...jeje) . Well we drove around for a while and decide to go for a drink near Jon's house. Then I call Franscisco, to see if they wanted to go, because is really near from the dorms, and we got the surprise that all the people that told me they where not in the mood of going out, where drinking outside the dorms; for those who knows the place, in the star of the dorms!!! Ufff!!!
Well at the end we went there and stay with them. At 4am, when the sun was already up we went to sleep because at 10am we were going to a Japanese BBQ in Sakura!!! So we went, and it was really fun!!! jaja... very good japanese practice for all of us!!!... jaja... so we ate, drink and more... and just had a lot of fun. I climb a tree, and play in a really funny playground!! Those japaneses where really funny, so we stay there until like 4pm!!! Then sleep the rest of the day!
On Sunday, my surfing dream became real!!!! YUUUUUJUUUU!!!! Loai, have a friend that goes surfing from time to time, so he invite me. I´m from Costa Rica, so I should be like a Pro Surfer!! jajaja.... SUUUUUREEEE.... but amazing!!! It was suppose to rain that day, but insted, thanks to all the gods in the world and beyond it was a good day!! It had been 2 years since the last time I surf, so I was a little scare, that I would suck... I did suck, but as usual. At least I remember how it is done, I did get a lot of waves, small ones... but I did!!! YUUUJUUU... soooooo, sooooo Happy!!! jeje... I got really tired, in fact my back still hurts... jeje but that is normal because haven´t been training so much in the pasts days... but now that is summer... I´m going to try my best to swimg every day I can!!! Very, very good.

So I did have a great weekend, and enjoy a lot... so here the pics.

Me in the lab, sewing a glove....

The glove...


The finish glove.. I thinkm I'm a good engieneering and thats all... jaja...

Another angle...

This is me with the glove...
Concentrating in the glove... I think I'm very proud of the Glove

This is in the BBQ place... with Javi, really excited to be there!!

On our way... I was in the middle sit... that sucks!!!... but well the trip was worthed!! Here with Noran (the pronunciation in spanish is Norán, with the accent in the a)
Funny pic!
Me and my new look... until the july 18

This is our new friend Andreas, from Germany!

In the BBQ place,we were introducing ourselfs

Some of the food... it was really good...

Weird looking pic, but funny!! jeje
Jaja.. this is a great picture of some of the people sharing... those japanese girls were crazy!! jaja

Jon, me and Noran

Me doing ABS.... jaja... sure!!!

The chefs... this guy ate almost all the food!!!


Too low... even for me... :D

More table pictures... Javi, Jon, me and Noran
Sunday came... preparing to go... the japanese guy in the middle, lend me the board and the wet suit, because they say the water was too cold... but naaaa....!!! It was amazing!

The beach... ufff soooo nice!!!

Me posing in a mirror image... pfff....


After we finish a 2 hours surf, I was death!!! jeje... But I though we were coming back after lunch... :(...

We went to an Oister restaurant... i had never eat like this in my life... was a fun new thing, and it taste really good!!!

Those Oisters are really big!! and they say there is a bigger one in Nagoya!!

Ufff delicious... and it was better, because at the end... the japanese friend inveted us!!! lol jeje


Jon said...

Tio deja de comer ostras y comete un buen chuleton, que te estas quedando en los huesos!!! Ya hasta tienes las piernas para adentro...como las Japonias!!

Jose Gonzalez said...

jaja... si eso de fijo que si... esta vida tan desastrosa aqui en japonilandia, nos esta haciendo daño a todos!!

corisan said...


Anonymous said...

Cuando vengais a スペイン estais invitados a un cocido maragato y unas cogorzas con vinos leoneses, pa reponer fuerzas.
Por cierto, me encanta haber dejado mi pequeña huella en mis queridos habitantes de "Japonilandia", que no "japonios".